Will You Pray for Someone?

September 4, 2024

A couple of things lead me to write what I am writing this week.

First, I found this photo I took many years ago while staying in the hospital with my wonderful aunt, who inspired me to begin writing. That was a tough time for her and the photo reflects my demeanor while visiting her.

And while thinking about those days so many years ago, I read through our church’s prayer list. So many sick people. All of them needing Christians who know the power of prayer to lift them up to our heavenly Father.

There are no special “pray-ers” in the church. We are all called to pray for others. There are no special words. No fancy rituals. No superpowers required of us.

We are simply called to pray.

Will You Pray for Someone? #hope #joy #writingcommunity Share on X

Romans 12:12 tells us to…

“Be joyful in hope, patient in affliction, faithful in prayer.” (NIV)

My request this week is a simple one. If you know of someone who is sick and either in the hospital or at home, who needs God to provide peace, comfort, healing, or whatever He knows is best for them, will you take a moment and pray for them?

6 thoughts on “Will You Pray for Someone?

  1. A great call to prayer! Thanks, Tim. I am amazed at the length of prayer lists at church and other places I go. There are so many needs that it feels overwhelming to remember them all. But, you only asked us to pray for one. And that is very doable. And as you pray for that one, one more pops in your head, and one more. His burden is light!

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