3 Ways to Point to Living Water

Some hummingbird feeders have a small depression in the middle of the feeder called an ant moat. The ant moat is a great deterrent to ants getting into the sugar water for the hummingbirds. Turns out the ant moat served more than one purpose for our birds.

Once the goldfinches realized our hummingbird feeder had a moat full of water, they made it a daily practice to sit on the feeder and drink. They spent more time drinking from the hummingbird feeder than they did the birdbath. I believe that is because the birdbath, when full, proved a little too deep for the finches.

It wasn’t long before one goldfinch led to two, and all of a sudden, we had a party.

I’m not sure if one goldfinch passed along the good news to another finch, who then told another, who then shared with others that water was available. Maybe the first finch called out, and the Charm (a flock of goldfinches) agreed there were great benefits of hanging out at the hummingbird feeder. Maybe the first goldfinch’s example caused others to follow along.

Doesn’t really matter, does it? The bottom line is they all enjoyed the refreshing water.

You may know where I’m going with this.

We are called to share Jesus.

“Go, therefore, and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to follow all that I commanded you; and behold, I am with you always, to the end of the age.” (Matthew 28:19-20, NASB)

There are at least three ways to do this.

3 Ways to Point to Living Water #hope #joy #writingcommunity Share on X

First, we can share with people one-on-one. In meeting people where they are, we find opportunities to share what Jesus has done for us. We don’t have to make a big deal out of it. When we experience something good in our lives, we naturally want others to experience it. This is no different.

Second, we can bring groups together. The past year hasn’t been the best for face-to-face studies, but we continue to pray as vaccines become available and some type of immunity occurs, we can gather in small groups again. If that’s not right for you, there are on-line options through video conferencing or social media live streaming. Find ways to proclaim the good news of a hope in Jesus.

And third, we may influence others by the way we live our life. Have you ever seen someone with such a joy you immediately want a part of it? That’s how we bring others to Christ without saying a word. Live the joy of the Holy Spirit. We choose joy because we know in Whom we believe. Allow God to work through that joy.

You may be thinking, “Well, there’s nothing new in all that.”

You would be right. But I’d like to challenge you. Which of those three “not-so-new” methods have you used recently to show someone thirsting that they can find living water? Be the one who brings more people to that water!

Today’s feature photo comes from a “photo-a-day” challenge I pursued several years ago. The photo inspires the topic. For me, the posts challenge my creativity, writing discipline, and dependence on God for His message. My prayer is that you find hope in God’s Word, and that you’ll share your hope with others.

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