Be Different For a Reason

September 25, 2024

I took a business trip to Chicago in 2009 and took this photo while on the train from the airport to the city. You can’t see all the houses, but the house in the middle of this picture wasn’t just different than its neighbors on either side, it was different than most of the houses in the area.

I’m not sure how this neighborhood developed over the next 15 years, but the builder of this house must have been willing to take a chance on being different.

I wonder why he (or she) did it. Did they just want to be different? Did they believe they would be driving the trend from the older-looking to more modern homes in the area? Was that design better for space?

Could have been any number of reasons, but no matter why, it is clear they didn’t find it necessary to just fit in.

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While there was likely no faith reason the owner built a modern home in the middle of older homes, the act reminds me of what Paul told us in Romans about living our lives. I really like the way The Message translates this verse so I’ll use it today.

“Don’t become so well-adjusted to your culture that you fit into it without even thinking. Instead, fix your attention on God. You’ll be changed from the inside out. Readily recognize what he wants from you, and quickly respond to it. Unlike the culture around you, always dragging you down to its level of immaturity, God brings the best out of you [and] develops well-formed maturity in you.” (Romans 12:2, MSG)

The house builder probably gave his decision lots of thought. How will I like living here? Will I be able to sell this house in the future? What will my neighbors think about this new look?

And God tells us that we, too, should give thought to our lifestyle. He doesn’t want us to simply fit in to fit in. We should, above all else, fix our attention on God. Not only will we look different, we’ll be changed from the inside out. He wants the best for us and the best out of us.

The benefit to us is that focusing on God will mature us in the way He wants.

So, if we want to be different, then let’s remember the Bible tells us to be different for a reason.

4 thoughts on “Be Different For a Reason

  1. I loved reading those verses from The Message. I loved the way the builder made the house so different. I bet it is interesting on the inside, too. Maybe that is another analogy. If we work on the inside, we will definitely look different from the culture around us on the outside:)

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