You can handle the truth.

The Crystal Shoppe is my wife’s go-to place. She doesn’t go there for a meal, children’s clothes, dishwasher detergent, or a physical exam. She goes

The Christmas Train

Christmas comes at you fast. As a youngster, it seemed to take forever to get here. Now, the Santa holding a chalkboard on our counter

A Hope Not Cut Off

You may be familiar with the line from C.S. Lewis’ The Chronicles of Narnia, “Always winter but never Christmas”. Kyle Idleman reminded me of those

In need of renewal?

I know how it feels to want renewal.  For me, it comes and goes. One day I’m refreshed, alive, and purposeful. I’m on track with

The value of relationships

Today’s post goes live Wednesday, November 27, 2019. Since it’s the day before Thanksgiving, I want to focus on thankfulness. Today’s photo screams thankfulness. Look

We’re just different.

Bobby and his best friend Shane ran up the rickety steps leading to Bobby’s back door. “I’m glad we’re finished,” Shane said. “I don’t think