Started out as just another chore. I worked hard on washing, drying and an occasional re-do. After putting away the hose, bucket, and towels, I stood back and studied the busyness reflecting off the surfaces. Wow, I thought. That’s shiny. I gradually noticed all the things that told me it was shiny and pretty soon, that’s all I could see.
What do you see?
Trees are on both sides of the car. It appears the trees on the passenger side are closer than those on the other. In fact, they are. The trees on both sides of the car are approximately the same size, but those on the driver’s side are much farther away. Must be fall or winter. Actually, late fall. There are no leaves on the trees. Is it bright and sunny? Not really. The day was partly sunny with clouds wanting to let the sun’s rays break through, but reluctant to give it total control. Lots going on.
What does this have to do with today?
I returned this past weekend from my first Writer’s Conference. God allowed me to spend a wonderful week with an amazing group of writers. I’d met a few published authors in the last few years; however, the Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference teemed with them. Many writers were returning conferees, some having attended for fifteen or more years.
For me, and I’m sure a few others, the week was a week of firsts. First conference, first time meeting editors and agents, first time pitching a book. On more than one occasion, I would say something or do something, then learn in the next class or conversation how I should have said it or done it differently. I’m not embarrassed to say a tinge of fear colored most of the week. I know it reflected on my face like the clouds on my car’s hood.
Now, by the end of the week, I had managed to slip into my own groove of things enough I can’t wait to go back next year. How does that happen? How does a week of terrifying moments result in wanting to go through it again? I believe this largely comes from God’s involvement in the week.
I know there were times my face said, I’m discouraged, before I said a single word. I know this because of the questions and offers of encouragement received throughout the week. In fact, it’s been a few days, but I can’t remember a single person who wasn’t encouraging and loving in their own way. And, I’m convinced they were reflecting God’s love and encouragement.
I had prayed and asked others to pray that God would go before me to prepare the way, so that while there, I would experience what He wanted me to experience. I’m confident He did that. Even those critical of my new novel presented their views with an eye to helping me become better.
After three agent/editor appointments, I wondered whether I was writing what God wanted me to write. You see, I felt called over three years ago to write and soon after responding to the call I felt led to enter the world of novel-writing. Now, I wasn’t so sure. By Wednesday afternoon, I was leaning toward putting my book away and starting with something smaller. Maybe focusing on writing prompts, read more books on writing, write something shorter—anything but the novel I brought with me.

Surprise of all surprises, over two hours into the Wednesday evening Awards Ceremony, I heard my name called as First Place Winner in the combined Mystery & Suspense genres of the Foundation Awards Competition (completed, but unpublished books). I still don’t understand it.
I plan to give it a week for reflection, then try sorting out winning the award and how it fits with all the changes the editors and agents told me I needed to make. You can read a little about the book, Cutty, on my Works in Progress page. But after last week, I’m sure some of it will change as a result of a conference reflecting the light of Jesus.
John 1:6-9 tells us about John the Baptist. We read in verse 8, “He was not the light, but came to bear witness about the light.” (English Standard Version) His witness reflected the light of Jesus.
I want to reflect the light of Jesus in all I do.
Is that one of your goals?
Congratulations on your award – it’s definitely well-deserved! I’m sure this helped reinforce your calling for you, and helped you feel more confident in your direction. I’ve read that even well-established writers get their manuscripts back with lots of “feedback” so you’re in good company… I’m looking forward to reading the finished product! Blessings to you!
Thank you Terri! You are exactly right. Winning the award was great reinforcement in the midst of lots of other feelings. And, I read another blog post this morning about awards. It reminded me of the importance of holding awards and criticism loosely, relying more on knowing my identity in Jesus.
Great to meet you, Tim. And yes, you are a writer!
Carry on.
Thank you Warren. I enjoyed getting to know you, too. I was telling my wife about your willingness to take the small amount of time available at a meal table to help me with my pitch. And even with the short amount of time between your suggestions and my appointment, it made a difference. Thank you so much!
Congratulations Tim! That’s awesome for your first time out of the gate. How encouraging! Blessings to you on this new journey!
Thank you Jeannie. I appreciate the words of encouragement. They mean a lot to me.
Congratulations Tim! I didn’t know about your love of writing until this fb post. I too have a desire to write, a distant goal at the moment, but it doesn’t go away so I keep the thoughts and questions in the mix of all my busyness. I look forward to catching up on your blog and reading the award winning novel! Great job!
Thank you Jane. I’ve been doing this for over three years and I’m still reluctant to talk out loud about it. For the last 2 1/2 years, it’s been my job. I appreciate your prayers and encouragement. I hope you are able to make the time to fulfill your desire to write. Maybe we can find the time to catch up on things like this soon. Would also love to hear any thoughts or impressions on any of the posts.
Congratulations on the award. Isn’t it awesome how God works in our lives. Revealing our story one page at a time, he already knows the ending. Getting there is the best part!
Jack Fulghum
Thank you Jack! We’ve been FB friends for a while now and you know I’m not one to put much out there. I’m no different on social media than I am in life. All of this is new and awkward for me, but I feel drawn to reach people and I can’t do it holed up with myself. And you’re so right about the journey. My relationship with God continues to grow through all of this. I enjoy keeping up with some of what you’re doing through your posts. Keep it up!
Your aunt Vera would be very proud of you.
Cousin Betty Jane
Thank you Betty Jane. That is so nice of you to say. I sure miss Aunt Vera (Sissy) and I know you do. You were such a big part of her life. We don’t get up to your area much anymore, but really need to make the effort. Have a blessed day!
Tim, When I heard you speak in Thirst Quenchers a few years ago I realized you were a deep thinker. I’m not surprised you won the award for your novel. Congratulations!
Ed, that’s a high compliment. Not sure I merit that. I will say one thing, I do think a lot, often more thinking than acting. On the other hand, since getting to know and work with you, I’m learning more about doing ministry, just by watching you. Thanks for reading and commenting!
Tim, I did not know you enjoyed writing.. congrats on the award and pray you will continue and I as well will enjoy the read..
Thank you Shirley. I enjoy the journey of writing. Not just learning about the craft of writing, but what I learn about myself in the process. Thanks for reading.
Tim I am so proud of what you have accomplished up to now!! I am sure that it will continue to be positive results in your future.
If you need any proofreaders just let me know. Congrats on your award.
Vickie Barger
Thank you Vickie. You’ve always been an inquisitive supporter. Always wanting to know what I’m up to and how it’s going. That’s been a great encouragement. Hope things are going well with you.
I am so proud you, Tim. I believe you are truly following God’s leadership for your life. You remind me so much of Daddy. He spent many hours in thought and prayer.
Thank you Gayle. Those words feel good coming from my big sister.
Hi Tim,
I’m glad I met you at the conference. Congratulations on your award. You strike me as a genuine person. I look forward to seeing what God does with your writing.
Hi Matt,
Thank you for the kind words. I’ll say the same for you. We didn’t get to spend much time together, but our short conversation around the table meant a lot to me. I appreciate your calm demeanor and inquisitive conversation style. Thank you for reading and subscribing. I’d like to keep in touch.