Talking with God

June 12, 2024

My wife and I rented a convertible years ago while vacationing in California. One of the highlights of our trip was the drive down Highway 1 along the coast of California. The coastal features in many stretches of Hwy 1 were very different from what we experience here on the east coast. Lots of cliffs and difficult to reach beach areas.

Still, the coast offered areas of respite. This couple didn’t need great expanses of white sand to enjoy time at the beach. They appear to be having a wonderful time. They have a beautiful view of the ocean, the rocky cliffs, and what appears to me to be the most important element—each other.

I have no idea what they are talking about. The possibilities are endless. Maybe they are in the middle of a difficult situation. This seems like a good place to quietly talk to one another about their options to deal with it.

Could be they’ve just inherited some money and are trying to decide what to do with the money. Should they spend it, invest it, set it aside for some unforeseen need? I can imagine them stealing away for a few uninterrupted hours to make that decision without the rest of the world grabbing for their attention.

Maybe one of them has just returned from a long trip away. They’ve missed each other terribly and this is their favorite spot. In fact, this is the spot where he asked her to marry him and whenever they want to reconnect, they pack a picnic lunch and spend some sweet time together.

Communicating to God can be just that simple.

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The most basic definition of prayer is talking to God. Prayer is not meditation or passive reflection; it is direct address to God.[1]

It’s not more complicated or difficult than a couple sitting together, sharing a meal, watching the world around them, and talking. Just as I can imagine this couple knowing that the other person has their best interests at heart, they can confidently share their thoughts, concerns, and worries. They rely on the back and forth, talking and listening, to overcome difficulties, make decisions, or plan a path forward.

We can do the same with God.

The Bible tells us that we are not to be anxious, but we are to pray with confidence, about every situation, knowing that when we approach God in conversation that He will listen and respond in His good and perfect will. God wants to hear all we want to share and in turn He expects us to listen as He answers or prayers. He may not speak to us in an audible voice. Outside of the Holy Spirit impressing upon our hearts, He may use the Bible, the church, or our circumstances to speak with us.[2]

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 4:6-7, NIV)

Let’s not fall into making prayer too complicated to be effective. Let’s just talk with God.


[2] Blackaby and King, Experiencing God: Knowing and Doing the Will of God (Nashville, TN: LifeWay Press, 1990), 20.

6 thoughts on “Talking with God

  1. Not being anxious over anything takes faithful discipline that only grows with practice. Just when I think I have gotten better at that verse (Philippians 4:6-7, NIV) another event happens that shows me that I still have some work to do lol. The newest event in my life that tested how well I live out that verse was when I began the process of needing all my teeth removed and get dentures. I have OHP (Oregon Health Plan) Medicaid. Finding a dentist in Oregon that accepted the dental part of the plan was impossible as only a couple accepted Capitol (which was my assigned dental part) and the few that did would not see me till Dec of this year. That was test #1 of not being anxious. I failed, big time. Anxiety rose to skyscraper height. I prayed and God lead me to my own lifelong dentist. I argued with God as they don’t take Medicaid at all. But I just sensed a “trust Me” answer from God. I made the appointment. He indeed confirmed they all needed to come out and his office is who would make the dentures, but he would send me to their recommended oral surgeon. I left that appointment with the written cost of the dentures. Yes, my heart sank at the cost, but I did not feel anxious. The appointment was made for the consultation at the oral surgeon’s office. I filled out the paperwork and the section of the form had 3 boxes to check for that day’s payment. Check, Creditcard, OHP. The gal took my medical card but handed it back telling me their office did not take mine. Now I was confused. The intake nurse did her part of the exam and then the surgeon came in and looked and we discussed my issue and the fact I had a knee replacement, and my mouth health was a huge risk to keeping that knee healthy (which I knew all about) so after the surgeon left the intake nurse handed me the cost of the surgery but leaned in and said the best words I had ever heard…” Call the number on your OHP insurance card. When they answer just say; Cancel my Capitol plan and change it to ODS.” She told me…you did not hear that from me. I understood completely why she added that to the tip. You see their office accepts OHP-ODS. My obedience in going to my dentist knowing it was going to be out of pocket open the door to getting the teeth removed covered after all and even though the dentures are not covered God has opened doors to pay for that. Choosing to not allow anxiety to rule the situation turned into God being able to move mountains in that situation. My oral surgery is Friday June 21st. Thank you Jesus!

    1. Awesome story! Thank you so much for sharing your anxiety and how God took care of everything! He is a God of miracles.

  2. I would love to sit on a beach like that with God:) I love how you simplified prayer and made me want to get away with God for a day. By ourselves. Lately, my mantra has been… Be Anxious for nothing!!!

  3. That verse is so helpful to me. Thanks for sharing that praying is just talking to God. I’m so grateful I can communicate freely with Him.

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