Cutty is an award-winning work in progress. The book won First Place – 2019 Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers Conference Foundation Award for Mystery/Suspense. The work is currently undergoing edits in hopes of gaining agent representation and publication.
Happily married and running a successful construction company, Cutty tries to convince himself he has all he needs.
After refusing to help a young lady from his past, who aggressively attempts to extort money, he realizes a truth he’s been fighting a long time: there are things in life more important than himself.
Wrestling with truth and unable to shake the encounter, Cutty searches for validation of his self-centric life. Assuming his wife won’t understand because of her Christian convictions, he seeks approval from her best friend, who lends a listening ear and offers her version of no-strings therapy.

Cutty’s angst is further complicated when his bitter, former college roommate teams with the young extortionist and threatens to blackmail Cutty with a secret from his past, driving him to the point of no return. As he faces the loss of his business and his wife’s life, Cutty runs out of options.
His only hope rests in a power drawing him to the truth. Will he surrender his will to someone he considers untrustworthy? If he doesn’t, he may lose his wife and the blessing God has planned for him.