A Show of Love

April 19, 2023

I took this week’s photo of the Ponts des Arts bridge while in Paris with my wife in 2012. The Pont des Arts is also known as the Bridge of Love, Lover’s Bridge, the Love Lock Bridge, and several other romantic names. The idea of writing your and your true love’s initials on a lock, attaching the lock to the pedestrian bridge’s railing and tossing the key into the Seine River, is quite the romantic gesture (though we never did it).

You can see from the photo there are lots of locks on the section of railing in the photo. Actually, the entire bridge looked that way. And, from what I’ve read, the practice of showing your commitment to love this way really took off between 2014 and 2015. So much so, that in 2015 they removed all the locks because sections of railing kept collapsing under the weight of the locks.

While a few locks may be cute and romantic, at one point they estimated there were so many locks on the bridge (about 1 million), the bridge carried approximately 50 U.S. tons of extra weight. The locks were so prolific you could not see between them. Bad enough that collapsing rails endangered the tourists enjoying a scenic boat tour underneath the bridge. Imagine what would happen if the bridge itself experienced structural problems.

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Today, the bridge railing consists of plexiglass, and it is illegal to attach locks to bridges. Still, from what I understand, people find a way. Locks are being attached to all eleven bridges crossing the Seine. Some have resorted to attaching bike locks to bridge light poles, allowing others to attach their locks to cable locks.

Apparently, many places experience this same phenomenon. On a trip to Portland, Maine, I found they had their own version of Love Locks, called Fences of Love.

If people will go to this much trouble to express their love and commitment to another person, how much more should we do to show our love for God?

What if we followed this command from Christ?

“Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.” (Mark 12:30, NIV)

For those not living on the Seine River, it may have taken some effort to get to Paris, purchase a lock, write your initials on the lock, then toss the key into the river. There would have been an initial desire to show your loved one, by way of a memorable gesture, just how much their heart loved them. The thinking and planning could have been extensive. Then there would have been the money and physical effort to get to the bridge and make it happen.

But what would it look like if we gave ALL our heart, ALL our soul, All our mind, and ALL our strength in showing our love?

Quite simply, there would be nothing left. We would have given everything.

The amazing thing is, when we do this for God, He gives back out of His abundance.

“For from his fullness we have all received, grace upon grace.” (John 1:16, ESV)

Grace upon grace, an unending supply coming from God’s fullness—never ending.

I know a selfie in front of a lock bearing your initials is romantic and can be a powerful show of love. One that could last the two of you the rest of your lives. But giving our ALL as a show of love for the Lord is eternal, as is His Love.

See more about the Pont des Arts bridge here… https://www.travelfranceonline.com/love-locks-cadenas-damour-paris-bridges/

6 thoughts on “A Show of Love

  1. And will that “attach a lock and throw away the key” love last through two decades of serving an unwell spouse? I’m so thankful for that unending grace!

  2. I had never heard of those areas in Paris or Maine with all the locks on the bridges. It is sad to me to think what people will do like that, and yet denounce Christ. What you point out in an eternal, loving, relationship with God is so much more important. And if you love God first, your love and commitment to others will be more genuine as it flows back out of that abundance of grace God gives us:)

  3. Tim,
    I’d heard about these locks, but I can’t imagine seeing them in person. I don’t recall such when we were there, but it was a long time ago. There is no need for a lock and key when we give our hearts to Christ. In Him is found freedom like none other in this world. If only they could see and feel that kind of love.

  4. Thanks for sharing, Tim. I hadn’t heard of the practice in those places. To me, God is the source of all love – giving us the ability to love another person. And showing our love to God (and anyone else) takes His help and the ability He gives to persevere.

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