Do Not Become Weary.

“Let’s not become discouraged in doing good, for in due time we will reap, if we do not become weary.” (Galatians 6:9, NASB)

“I give up.”

I scrolled through the fireworks photos. They didn’t look any better on my laptop than they did on the small screen on the back of my camera. In fact, they looked worse. Out of focus… too dark… blurry… smoke-filled… The list of imperfections goes on and on.

I decided right then that from now on, I’m going to just enjoy the show and quit trying to take photos.

That was several years ago. I still can’t take a decent photo of fireworks.

Taking great photos of fireworks is no small feat. At least not for me. I don’t get a lot of practice since fireworks only come around a few times a year—at best. By the time I’m setting up to shoot, I’ve forgotten all the things I wanted to change from failing the last time I tried. On top of that, it’s hard to tell if you are getting good shots while taking photos. The camera display is small. And guess what? The fireworks show doesn’t take a break and ask if I’ve got my settings right. It’s dark.

It’s easier to give up.

Do Not Become Weary. #hope #joy #writingcommunity Click To Tweet

Paul had advice for the Galatian Christians about not giving up. He reminded them of the benefit of perseverance. He used the analogy of sowing and reaping. If they trusted (sowed) in themselves, they would only experience (reap) corruption and destruction. On the other hand, if they did (sowed) good and followed their true beliefs centered on living by the Holy Spirit, then they would experience (reap) eternal life.

God’s message to us is the same. If we rely on ourselves for the stamina to do what we think is good, we’re going to fail. Our flesh wants to see success. We want to experience a high after expending energy. We look for accolades. But God tells us to do (sow) good through the Spirit and expect (reap) an eternity with Him.

Don’t be like me with the fireworks photos. Do not become weary. Rely on the Spirit to not give up.

** Congratulations to Teresa, our giveaway winner! I sent Teresa a copy of The On-Purpose Person. Thank you to all our subscribers who commented on last week’s post.

Today’s feature photo comes from a “photo-a-day” challenge I pursued several years ago. The photo inspires the topic. For me, the posts challenge my creativity, writing discipline, and dependence on God for His message. My prayer is that you find hope in God’s Word, and that you’ll share your hope with others.

10 thoughts on “Do Not Become Weary.

  1. Thank you for the reminder to keep going – no matter what. And since I’m human, I’ll get tired, so I need to rest. But that’s different from growing weary and giving up. Love the fireworks photo!

  2. When I had my focus on how “I” wanted my book to look like, sound like etc. I found the writing came easy. But doing it that way is how “I” wanted. But when I took my focus off of me and placed it to what the reader wants I could see all the flaws, missing chunks etc. I know my story but the reader does not. Suddenly writing became more difficult and as long as my focus was just on me and the reader I too wanted to give up…BUT GOD! He reminded me of the calling He placed on my heart to write my story to help others who have gone through what I had. That is when my focus turned to God. It made the writing even more difficult only because I wanted to make sure I told my story and honored God at the same time. I still have moments i feel like giving up but I then think about how Jesus did not give up when things got hard.

    1. Great insight Teresa. Yes, we write for others, including God–not for ourselves. I’ll pray your writing continues strong and your readers and God are blessed when its out.

  3. Such a timely post Tim! You really hit the nail on the head – “If we rely on ourselves for the stamina to do what we think is good, we’re going to fail. Our flesh wants to see success. We want to experience a high after expending energy. We look for accolades. But God tells us to do (sow) good through the Spirit and expect (reap) an eternity with Him.” It’s so true that if we don’t see the results we want, our flesh tells us to just give up. Thanks for the reminder to keep on working, whether or not we see the results we want.

    1. Easy words to write for me Terri, but difficult to live. I have to constantly confess my desires for “success” in the things I do. Thanks for your comment.

  4. Thank you for the reminder to Never Give Up! I have the Galatians 6:9 verse framed right beside my desk where I write. I have to continually look over at it as I work, to keep myself going.

    1. Thank you for commenting Jane. I like the idea of having the verse next to your writing area. God’s Word is strength for us.

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