Do You Need Assistance in Life?

Sometimes I share the history behind my photos and sometimes I simply use them as inspiration for hope-filled thoughts. As I sat to write this, I thought “I bet when people read about these photos they think ‘It must be tough to be Tim.’”

On this occasion, I pulled into the gravel lot searching for a place to park. Many posts just like the one in the picture lined the outside of the lot. There weren’t many parked cars, and no one walking around, so I walked up to the post and read—carefully.

The day clearly fell within the limits of March – October and 9AM – 6PM. There were no attendants, no automated pay stations. I considered just parking and taking the risk since there didn’t appear to be much demand.

But I didn’t feel right about it. The post clearly said, PARKING ENFORCED.

Still, seems like they would provide some way to pay for parking if they were going to enforce whatever parking rules there were. I walked around the lot. All the posts looked the same.

This process of reading, thinking, walking, considering, leaving, returning—probably lasted ten minutes.

I finally decided to call.

Turns out they had removed the parking meter heads a year earlier and parking was now free.

You may be in a similar situation with your life. Only the time wasted is not minutes, but years.

Do You Need Assistance in Life? #hope #joy #writingcommunity Click To Tweet

You may find yourself walking through life wondering how to follow the rules. You try to be the best “you” you can be. Maybe you read positive thinking books. Or you watch preachers on TV. You might even attend church every now and then.

But no matter what you do, you keep coming back to the feeling that the rules are going to be enforced, and you’re not even sure you’re following them.

You need assistance but there’s no number to call.

The good news is that Jesus is the answer you need. He provides freedom from figuring out life on our own.

“If you abide in my word, you are truly my disciples, and you will know the truth, and the truth will set you free.” (John 8:32, ESV)

If you find yourself looking for a way to meet life’s rules, I encourage you to stop trying to do it on your own and ask Jesus to lead you into freedom. He is truth and our hope for life.

Today’s feature photo comes from a “photo-a-day” challenge I pursued several years ago. The photo inspires the topic. For me, the posts challenge my creativity, writing discipline, and dependence on God for His message. My prayer is that you find hope in God’s Word, and that you’ll share your hope with others.

8 thoughts on “Do You Need Assistance in Life?

  1. Great Post!! You’re right, so many rules to keep up with. Thanks for the reminder of the freedom Jesus gives. He simplifies those rules for us with love God, love others. Then helps us do it! Whew!

  2. As I sat here looking at this picture I would never have guessed it was a old pole for a parking meter. I thought…ok why would you need assistance, what kind of assistance is this number for, I never did pick up on the main part of the wording, PARKING ENFORCED. Funny how something so important was missed by me. Now if I had seen a meter I would of caught it immediately but a empty capped off pole changed my focus on the writings purpose. What popped into my head related to writing is that even if all the facts are “written” down if part of the picture is missing those words can become misunderstood. In my writing of “show, don’t tell” I need to make sure I am not leaving the “obvious” out assuming the reader will get it.

    1. That’s a great observation Teresa! When writing we often know the story so well, we miss making sure the reader knows the story as well as we. Thank you for your comment!

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