Giving Thanks Over the Long Haul

It’s easy to stop at the first table and call it good.

This post will go out on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving 2021. If you are like me, you are likely focused on all things Thanksgiving. Like someone stepping out onto a long pier and stopping at the first table to have a meal, we are honed into tomorrow.

Giving Thanks Over the Long Haul #hope #joy #writingcommunity Click To Tweet

My wife and I are hosting this year. We’ve planned the meal, purchased the groceries, set aside time for cleaning, cooking, and decorating. There will be catching up with our children and their families, playing with grandchildren, and more cooking. From experience, I know things will get hectic right before we settle down at the table to eat.

In addition, the end is in sight before we’ve even gotten started with managing all the details. I can already envision recliner time at the end of what I know will be a busy, busy day.

I must be careful to not stop at the first table on the pier.

Sure, Thanksgiving is a great time to stop and really consider all that we have to be thankful for. Not just for family, but for community, our church, and friends. Thanksgiving is also the perfect opportunity to share a portion of our time and talents with others. Like many churches, ours will be feeding many families today. My wife baked a cake, and we’ll help deliver a few of those meals. We’ll pray for needs and let those we visit know that we and Jesus love them. I, for one, don’t do this enough.

But I don’t want to spend all my time at the first table on the pier.

I love the reminder the writer of 1 Chronicles gives us.

“Give thanks to the LORD, for He is good; For His faithfulness is everlasting.” (1 Chronicles 16:34, NASB)

God is faithful. Period. He has been there for His people since the beginning and will be there forever into the future.

How can we behave more like God?

We can give thanks over the long haul. Sure, we can, and should, spend quality time and energy this Thanksgiving thanking the LORD for all He does for us. We should spend this season enjoying focused time with family and friends. There is no doubt we can and should find ways to give back because we have it to give.

But let’s not stop here. God’s faithfulness is everlasting. May we continue our thanksgiving for rest of our days.

Just for fun, please share your favorite Thanksgiving activity. I’d love to hear them. One of mine is the Thanksgiving meal. I really enjoy being around the table with family.

Today’s feature photo comes from a “photo-a-day” challenge I pursued several years ago. The photo inspires the topic. For me, the posts challenge my creativity, writing discipline, and dependence on God for His message. My prayer is that you find hope in God’s Word, and that you’ll share your hope with others.

9 thoughts on “Giving Thanks Over the Long Haul

    1. Joy, I really appreciate you being a regular reader. I pray you have a wonderful and enjoyable Thanksgiving. I’m also praying right now that you feel better soon.

  1. Up until Tuesday afternoon I thought I was going to be alone again this year. But Tuesday afternoon a friend invited me to join her family at her mom’s house here in town. Still do not know what time to show up but I guess she will tell me tomorrow as she said it will be after the turkey is done cooking at her house then she will head to her mom’s LOL

    1. That sounds like a great plan Teresa. And the awesome part is now you are able to get around much better. I’m sure it will be so much more pleasant for you! Continued prayers friend.

  2. Thanks for sharing, Tim. God deserves our thanks and praise for everything, every moment. I worked on my murder mystery. And I loved plotting murder on Thanksgiving. I’m grateful to God for time, imagination, and my characters. Also grateful for friends!

    1. Ha! Joni, I’m pretty sure you love plotting murder every day! I, too, am grateful for the gift God has given you for writing.

  3. A great post and great reminder to be thankful throughout the year. The thing I enjoy most at Thanksgiving is sitting down to rest after getting all the food cooked and served and just listening to the crazy talk around the table. I live among a group of natural born comedians, so the conversations are usually pretty funny.

    One of the funny things one of us have to say each year is, “These mashed potatoes are so creamy!” You have to do it holding your fork a certain way. It is from Sandra Bullock’s movie, “While You Were Sleeping”. It is especially funny to watch my son do it because a woman says that in the movie:)

    1. Your Thanksgiving traditions sound wonderful Jane. I can just see your family doing that. I can also see you taking in the results of your obedience to God. Not that He gives us a perfect family if only we follow Him, but that you can rest in knowing you’re doing what God asks you to do. You are a great mentor to me just by living your life.

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