God is Not Done with You.

In all honesty, I don’t know if my grandparents were big travelers or not. I don’t remember them traveling. I can’t even remember them traveling from their home to ours when I was a kid. Having said that, they owned this pretty-fancy-at-the-time travel iron.

The iron is a Knapp-Monarch travel iron. The appliance is fairly light and the handle folds. I couldn’t find much information on it other than it was likely made in the 1940’s. I’m sure this travel iron would have been useful when you needed to be sure you had an iron but didn’t know with certainty there was one where you were headed.

The iron now serves other purposes.

For one, it sits on my desk, serving as a bookend for books written by some of my writer friends. Sure, I could use any other heavy object, but this one also serves another purpose.

The iron reminds me of my grandparents. When I look at it, I fondly recall many family visits. Some of the more special centered around a week with them each summer. Remembering those times makes me happy and, in a way, provides comfort.

You may be like this iron.

You may feel like you were meant for one certain purpose, and you’ve outlived or grown out of the purpose. Maybe you placed too much life fulfillment in your job, family, health, or hobby. Could be one or more of those things has stopped or you’ve lost interest. Or, something out of your control has happened and you can no longer participate the way you once did.

Here’s hope for you and me.

“For I am confident of this very thing, that He who began a good work among you will complete it by the day of Christ Jesus.” (Philippians 1:6, NASB)

Unlike some of our earthly endeavors, God is not finished with us. As long as we are here, God will bring the good work He began in us to completion. We are here to love Jesus and love others.

So what if our job is gone, either through retirement or a loss of job? We can still love Jesus and love others. Can’t participate in that sport you used to think was your purpose in life? You can still love Jesus and love others. Even if we’ve lost our family or our health is dwindling, we can love Jesus and love others.

The venue for your good work may look different now. You may even be uncomfortable in it, but God is in control, and He will not let you down.

God is not done with you!

God is Not Done with You. #hope #joy #writingcommunity Click To Tweet

Today’s feature photo comes from a “photo-a-day” challenge I pursued several years ago. The photo inspires the topic. For me, the posts challenge my creativity, writing discipline, and dependence on God for His message. My prayer is that you find hope in God’s Word, and that you’ll share your hope with others.

8 thoughts on “God is Not Done with You.

  1. I love it that so many retired folks at our church are still serving as volunteers, at church and in the community.

    (I’m afraid there may be asbestos in that old electrical cord. I had an old waffle iron that had that kind and was told there was asbestos in those.)

    1. Thank you Joy. You are so right. I also think that is great. I also like hearing those nearing retirement talk about making service a part of their retirement plans. And, thanks so much for the advice on asbestos. I had no idea. I’ll look into that more closely.

  2. It’s a comforting thought to know God’s not through with us yet. I have a lot that’s been left behind, but God put grandchildren and writing in my life to replace those things. I’m so grateful for his choices for me.

    1. Thank you Jane. And you are spending good quality time on both. The photo that came up next in my que was actually a picture I took several years ago of some tennis trophies I won in high school and college. They stood atop a large bookcase in our house for years. I often wondered why I still had them up for display. Believe me, no one cared about them, but me. We threw them away, keeping only a photo as a keepsake. I didn’t use the photo because it was grainy and that’s one reason I’ll skip a picture and move to the next. God had the same message for me with both photos.

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