Live like the Dandelion.

February 8, 2023

The dandelion.

It’s a weed.

It’s a flower.

It’s food.

It’s medicine.

It provides a nectar snack for bees.

All true statements. The dandelion is a plant with many faces. In addition to the many beneficial uses, I find the dandelion’s life cycle to be most intriguing.

Don’t feel embarrassed if you’re one of the ones who think the bright yellow dandelion plants found dotting your yard are different than the snowball puffs like the one in today’s photo. Many people think this. It’s just not that often we stop to watch a dandelion move through its life cycle.

We first see the yellow blossoms among the first flowers in early spring. Once the seeds have developed, the yellow petals dry out and reveal the seed head. Unopened, this looks like a slender green tube on top of the stalk with just a tuft of white feathery material peeking out. This tube soon opens to reveal a round cotton-like head of seeds

Each seed head contains about 100 seeds located on the ends of the white feather tufts. All it takes is a light gust of air to distribute those seeds. That’s why it is so easy for dandelions to spread in your yard.

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We should live like the dandelion.

“Now as Jesus was walking by the Sea of Galilee, He saw two brothers, Simon, who was called Peter, and his brother Andrew, casting a net into the sea, for they were fisherman. And He said to them, ‘Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of people.” Immediately they left their nets and followed Him.” (Matthew 4:18-20, NASB)

Like the dandelion, the two fishermen, worked where they were planted. The plant doesn’t move around the yard, looking for the best place to grow, it grows where it is planted. God had them right where He wanted them. For most of their lives, they grew from babies, to youth, to men, to fishermen. You and I should be doing the same. While a response from God’s call may mean moving, or doing something different than we are used to, until He calls, we should work where we’re planted.

Also like the dandelion, the soon-to-be-disciples changed to serve the Lord. The dandelion starts as the beautiful flower, then appears to die, only to re-bloom into the most-effective cotton ball. Imagine, the two men had their whole lives in order. They had families, jobs, and responsibilities. But when it was time, when Jesus called, they left their nets. That’s a great example for us. When you feel God drawing you to an action, ministry, or area of service. That’s the time to respond.

And finally, like the dandelion, the disciples followed Jesus. The dandelion’s seeds spread far and wide with just a breeze. As kids we all probably planted many dandelions by blowing on those fun seed heads. The seeds headed in the direction the wind blew. The two brothers did the same as they not only left their nets, but they followed Jesus. Where Jesus went, they followed. Where He directed, they went. God will not call us to just stop what we’re doing. He’ll ask us to change, or follow, or go in another direction. We should head that way—immediately.

The next time you see the brightly colored yellow petals, or the wispy white balls, I hope you are reminded to live like the dandelion.

Most of my information on dandelions came from here…

6 thoughts on “Live like the Dandelion.

  1. I loved your encouraging post— and the lesson, to live where God has planted you. I loved the discipleship presented as you took us from the dandelion life cycle to the example of the disciples lives when they were called to follow Jesus. You presented very clear steps for us to follow. Thank you!

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