On what or whom do you rely for hope?

This post has nothing to do with smoothies, weight loss or advice on your health and is likely not helpful for any of those. It has everything to do with our reliance on the hope of Jesus.

I’ve been known to jump on the weight loss bandwagon even when I’m not sure it’s a viable plan for me.

Oh, we have good reasons for doing this. See how I’m now lumping you into this group with me for companionship? We choose to join others in what we believe is a successful effort, especially when the success is something we’ve wanted for ourselves.

Let’s say a friend you haven’t seen in a long time shows up at a gathering noticeably thinner (in a good way). You’re amazed at the change. If you know them well enough, one of the first things you might say is, “Wow, you look great. How did you do it?”

At the end of the conversation you walk away with a grocery list half as long as your arm. You think to yourself I don’t like some of those ingredients. I’m not sure I really want to do this. Questions come to mind. How much of this stuff am I going to need if I drink five of these a week?

You get to the store. Ooh, I didn’t know those cost that much. Your mind goes to your freezer. What am I going to do with those piles of boxes from the last weight-loss plan. That’s okay you think. You’ll throw out all that old stuff for this.

After four days, you’ve given up on the smoothies. Your freezer is now full of the new plan.

Fast forward six months. Another friend sees you from across the room. They walk over and you notice how trim they look. “You look great, how did you do it?” Turns out, two months ago, they purchased one of the leading exercise machines you’d been eyeing on TV. Six months later, it’s something else. How are you going to fit that piece in with the others?

You begin to worry you’ll never find the right solution.

Sound familiar?

Yeah, me, too. I shudder when I think of the cycle I find myself in at times.

Pick any area of life. Am I using the latest technology? Am I wearing the latest fashion? Do I look as smart as I should? Am I driving the trendiest vehicle? Am I as successful as my peers? It goes on and on. Our reflections turn to concerns, then grow to full blown worries. Soon we rely on those worries to control our decisions.

You need a solid foundation in life, and it can’t be found in those things.

The Bible tells us in John 14:1 (NASB), “Do not let your heart be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me.”

That’s it. When Jesus is your focus, your priority, your foundation—you need not worry about those other things. It may be right to think about them, plan for them, even work to get them, but you can’t place your reliance on them for hope in this world.

Are there areas of your life that you place too much reliance on?

Each day’s feature photo comes from a “photo-a-day” challenge I pursued several years ago. The photo inspires the topic. For me, the posts challenge my creativity, writing discipline, and dependence on God for His message. My prayer is that you find hope in God’s Word, and that you’ll share your hope with others.

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