Release your hold and trust in Him.

Be still, and know that I am God. (Psalm 46:10, ESV)

I considered this image a long time before deciding the context of this post. You may be able to get a sense of what is going on by simply looking at it. I mean, it’s a bird, and more specifically, a cardinal. He’s sitting in a tree or large bush. And, it’s snowing.

I remember standing outside my back door shooting this picture. The wind-driven snow swirled in such a way that it sometimes blew away from me, then back toward me. I had a difficult time steadying myself to get a shot.

I’ve mentioned my birdfeeders before and I’ve noticed one thing about the cardinals that I haven’t noticed about the other birds. Whenever cardinals are feeding, there is always one cardinal sitting in a nearby tree watching. I don’t know if he’s waiting his turn, watching for predators, or just hanging out, but he’s always there.

This day was no different. Other cardinals, both male and female were taking their turns at the feeder. This beautiful fella took his place on the branch, resolute in all that was going on around him.

Psalm 46:10 is often thought of as a verse reminding us to quietly rest in God. I believe it means that and more. Looking at the verse in context we see the psalmist talking about times of great turmoil.

God is our refuge and strength, A very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear, though the earth should change, And though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea; Though its waters roar and foam, Though the mountains quake at its swelling pride. (Psalm 46:1-3, NASB)

We also see God’s awesome influence over enemies of His people.

He makes wars to cease to the end of the earth; He breaks the bow and cuts the spear in two; He burns the chariots with fire. (Psalm 46:8-9, NASB)

Then in verse 10, God says, “Be still, and know that I am God.” The NASB translation says, “Cease striving, and know that I am God.”

In the context of war, put your weapons down. In the context of things around you that you can’t control, stop fighting. Release your hold and trust in Him.

The cardinal, sitting stalwart in the midst of driving cold, wind and snow, reminds me to “be silent or cease striving.” I need to lay down my weapons of argument, dissension, or plain old dissatisfaction with things and know if God has nature and wars in His hands, He surely has me.

Feel free to leave a comment. We’d all receive hope in hearing about times you’ve let go of things so God can take over.

6 thoughts on “Release your hold and trust in Him.

  1. Sometimes it’s so hard to let go and let God. I’m guilty. Sometimes my children will talk to me about trying to control things. I went to Al-Anon meetings every week for a year. Al-Anon teaches to let go and let God. In the case of alcoholics, one person cannot cure, cause, or control another person.

    1. Thank you for sharing that Ed. I really like your perspective on this. Your experiences and testimony go a long way toward helping others. What a blessing you are.

    2. What a nice reminder to slow down and stop and listen, to hear God’s grace and power. You are a very gifted writer. It is a true gift from God. Thank you, I enjoyed reading your articals.

      1. Thank you Bonnie. You’re exactly right. And, as you and I know, sometimes we have to be intentional about slowing down. Thanks for your comment.

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