Rest a Little While…

August 16, 2023

This week’s post will be short.

I took this photo while on a trip with our church’s Senior Adult group to attend a few days of the National Quartet Convention. We stayed at a lovely Bed & Breakfast in the Pigeon Forge area. It had been raining for a few days prior to our arrival so the grounds were pretty soggy, but still Sarah and I were able to get out for a nice walk.

The disciples had been out in pairs to do what Jesus had called them to do. The Bible says they went out to preach, cast out many demons, anoint the sick with oil, and perform healings. I can imagine they came back to meet with Jesus tired and hungry.

Jesus knew for them to be effective they needed rest. So, He encouraged them with these words.

“Come away by yourselves to a secluded place and rest a little while.” (Mark 6:31, NASB)

The bed and breakfast we stayed at is Blue Mountain Mist. Their website header includes that verse. Though we were busy, we had a great time of rest and fellowship.

 This week, I want to encourage you to set aside some time this summer to get away with either a few friends or family to just rest. Not only will you enjoy it, it may be just what you need to be better at whatever you’re resting from.

Rest a Little While… #hope #joy #writingcommunity Click To Tweet

10 thoughts on “Rest a Little While…

  1. Tim,
    We’re doing that very thing this coming week. As we celebrate 50 years of marriage, we’re taking a short time away to just rest and reflect on all the Lord has done in our lives and in our marriage. Too many blessings to count them all.
    Glad y’all had this time away. We’ve
    Always wanted to attend that. I’ve been in many Gospel groups but my fave was with my high school choral director and his wife. So much fun!

    1. Congratulations on 50 years! Truly a blessing for sure. Hope you have a great time resting and enjoying.

    1. Let’s just say I have in the past, but I’m not that good of a singer. I’ve been part of a few groups and our family likes to sing when we get together for reunions. How about you?

  2. With so many people looking at being busy as a badge of honor to wear and brag about I wonder if rest is viewed as being lazy and would wear it as a badge of shame.

  3. The green pastures with the horse looks very restful. It’s great that you and Sarah got to have a time of rest— and add some music into that and I think you have a winner. It all sounds great, and you make me want to get away to The Blue Mountain Mist.

    1. Thanks Jane. It is a beautiful place. I know we’ve found we sometimes just have to make these things happen.

  4. Thanks for sharing, Tim. Yes, rest is needed and something I don’t always do. Appreciate the reminder. Glad you were able to get a few days away and enjoy.

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