Someone’s Always Watching.

March 20, 2024

Every time I look at this picture, I crack up.

What does it look like I’m up to?

Someone’s Always Watching. #hope #joy #writingcommunity Click To Tweet

To me, it looks like I’m up to no good. Maybe I’ve watched too many movies, but it looks like someone was doing surveillance on me and caught me buying something I shouldn’t have. Actually, there was a convention in town and there were all kinds of street vendors out that day. I had my camera with me and asked a buddy to hold it while I waded in to purchase something.

I didn’t even know he had taken this picture until I started reviewing the photos a few days later.

The picture reminds me of a couple of things.

Number one, we never know who is watching us. Paul tells us in Ephesians that we are to…

“…live a life worthy of the calling you have received.” (Ephesians 4:1, NIV)

As Christians, we are set apart as ambassadors for Christ. We are called to live differently than the world. And I don’t know if you’ve ever tried to live one way some days and another way other days, but it can get messy in a hurry. The best we can do is to live each day worthy of our calling.

The second thing is, God is always watching. Solomon wisely tells us…

The eyes of the Lord are everywhere, keeping watch on the wicked and the good.” (Proverbs 15:3)

Knowing that God is always watching and always aware of what we are doing may concern some people. They may think they have nowhere to hide, and that God is always out to get them. I mean, after all, Proverbs tells us he is keeping watch on the wicked.

On the other hand, we should be thankful that God is always aware of what we’re doing and what everyone around us is doing. Knowing He is there, keeping an eye out for me, watching over me, ready at a moment’s notice to step in and help. There is so much hope in knowing that.

My prayer is that we all understand, and live like we know, that not only are people watching, but God, the all-powerful, creator and sustainer of the world, is also watching.

4 thoughts on “Someone’s Always Watching.

  1. Thanks for the great post, Tim. I’m so grateful God watches over me and guides, protects, and defends me. Of course, God does so much more (not enough room to post here). 🙂

  2. Thank you for the great reminder of God watching over us at all times. And the help He gives us when troubles come. The picture does look a little like a street deal going down, Ha Ha. I think I’ve been watching too many movies myself;)

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