You’re with the One who is…

My writing space gives me an almost full view of my backyard. One of the windows looks out at my bird feeders. The feeders have given me lots of enjoyment over the many years I’ve had them up.

However, I’ve found my bird feeding goes in cycles. For instance, I put the feeders away seven or eight years ago because I couldn’t seem to stop the squirrels from eating all the food. Not only did they empty the feeders quickly, but when they were around the birds stayed away.

I tried mixing the seed with a special hot sauce intended to thwart squirrels, but they ate it just the same. I tried strategically locating the feeders away from buildings and trees because the squirrels were jumping from them to the feeders. They had to do that because I’d placed a baffle on the feeder pole that kept them from climbing the pole. Eventually, they found a way around the baffle and I gave up.

A few years later, some friends gave me a squirrel-proof feeder. I tried it and it worked. Even when the squirrels made it to the feeder, they couldn’t get the food. I was so pleased, I bought another squirrel-proof feeder. The peanut feeder in the photo and a woodpecker feeder didn’t make the cut.

All was good until recently. Now, my feeders are still up, but empty. Once again, I can’t keep food in them. This time, deer. I sat by the window and watched a deer eat from the feeder and even though I’m certain she wasn’t getting that much seed in her mouth, the rest of the seed flowed to the ground like water.

I could find a way to put the feeders higher, but then I can’t reach them to fill them without a ladder. I could install a fence, but who wants to have to open a gate to get to their birdfeeder? Not me. Or better yet, I can just go outside and stand watch 24 hours a day, making sure no deer will get the bird seed. That’s not going to happen.

Clearly, I am not in control.

You know, it’s a good thing, the world doesn’t rely on me. If I can’t control my birdfeeder, how could I control the world, my life, or anything else for that matter?

I can’t.

You can’t either.

However, we do have access to the One who can.

“And He is the radiance of His glory and the exact representation of His nature, and upholds all things by the word of His power.” (Hebrews 1:3, New American Standard Bible)

This verse tells us that Jesus is the exact nature of God and He holds everything together by His word. And that means everything. Nothing happens that is not under God’s control.

We don’t have control, but we have access to Jesus.

In John 14:6, Jesus tells us through the account of answering Thomas,

“I am the way, and the truth, and the life; no one comes to the Father but through Me.” (NASB)

If life is spinning away from you and you feel like you are losing control, I encourage you to pause, take a deep breath, and call upon Jesus. Ask Him to calm you and give you a sense of peace only He can provide.

You still won’t be in control, but that’s okay. You’re with the One who is.

What do you do when you feel out of control?

6 thoughts on “You’re with the One who is…

  1. I love this post Tim! First of all, I completely understand the war you have to wage to keep bird seed in the feeders. My poor hubby finally manage to outsmart the squirrels, but we take our feeders in at the beginning of Spring. We have bears in our area and the bird feeders are attractive to them, especially when they wake up from their long winter’s sleep.

    I especially love your reminder that God is in control even when we feel we’re losing it. As you said, “Nothing happens that is not under God’s control.” What a comfort, especially with the things going on in our world today.

    Blessings to you!

    1. Another great lesson from this conversation… you can always find someone who has it harder than you! At least I don’t have to worry about bears, I don’t think. You are right in that we should take comfort in God’s control. Sometimes the hard part is actually taking comfort in it. We sometimes know it, but then keep going like we didn’t.

      Thanks for your comment.

  2. I really needed this today! Thank you for writing and posting. I feel this way right now and it really reminded me of the truth!

    1. Thank you for sharing Diane. That is a tough place to be in. I know your heart and pray God will provide exactly what you need when you need it.

    1. Yes Rhonda, you sure can! That might be a large distribution list. Many of us have that problem. 🙂

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