Fishing for People

I don’t believe I’ve ever said, “I really wish I was out deep-sea fishing.”

Oh, I have my reasons. Let’s see, for one I get motion sick easily. I was one of the kids who got to ride up front on family vacations just so we could all get to our destination without having to clean up “you know what.” As hard as my motion sickness was to deal with as a child sometimes, we usually had great trips.

I remember loading up on medications to make the crew boat trip from the coast of Louisiana to offshore oil rigs in my job as a wireline engineer in the early 1980’s. Dreaded every single ride. Some didn’t go very well, but in the end, I made it out and back and performed the job at hand.

I’m looking at my children now. You know who you are. You are the ones who strategically distracted me from the “Attraction is not recommended for guests susceptible to motion sickness or dizziness” signs while we inched our way to the front of the Universal Studios’ Harry Potter ride. I should have known what to expect from a character who spent half his time on a broom hundreds of feet above the ground. Closing my eyes only helped a little on that ride. I love you family.

And that Alaskan cruise we tacked onto the end of a business trip. Yeah, I was the guy with multiple wristbands, a patch behind my ear, and a supply of motion sickness pills in my pocket. I also love you, Mrs. Richards, and I’ll never forget the great time we had together on that trip.

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As I look back on my constant battle with motion, I know God provided what I needed. He made a way for childhood vacations, career needs, family fun, and special time with my spouse.

Knowing that, why, when faced with the task of fishing for people, do I gulp and expect a “Mission is not recommended for Christians susceptible to fear and trembling” sign? There are no such signs. There are no recommended medications.

God provides all we need for divine opportunities.

When Jesus approached brothers Simon and Andrew, He didn’t have to offer them the front seat, money, a good time, or a romantic evening on the seas. He simply said, “Follow Me.”

“And He said to them, ‘Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of people.’” (Matthew 4:19, NASB)

Sharing the love of Jesus is as important, and probably more so, than anything else we do today. Don’t let fear and trembling keep you from fishing for people. Follow Jesus. Learn from Him. Draw the confidence and support to share the Good News that only He can provide.

Today’s feature photo comes from a “photo-a-day” challenge I pursued several years ago. The photo inspires the topic. For me, the posts challenge my creativity, writing discipline, and dependence on God for His message. My prayer is that you find hope in God’s Word, and that you’ll share your hope with others.

10 thoughts on “Fishing for People

  1. Good afternoon Tim – I really enjoyed this post for several reasons, but primarily because it reflects a dads’ and husbands’ genuine love for family. You simply do not see that very much anymore these days so I truly admire that my friend. Also, however, the topic resonates with me and your assertion is spot-on: “Sharing the love of Jesus is as important, and probably more so, than anything else we do today.” . . . . I actually had more typed in response to this post, but realized the facts and figures I was citing detracted from the importance of the positive message you shared and I didn’t want to do that, so I deleted those comments :o). Suffice it to say that I pray for more boldness in witnessing from our brothers and sisters in Christ. Keep up the excellent work my friend – guy

    1. Thank you Guy. I always enjoy reading your “facts and figures” and the breadth of Scriptural support for all you believe. Every comment you provide bolsters my understanding of God and how He wants us to live. And regarding your comment about love for family. I’ll have to be honest and say I left some of those situations shaking my head and saying, “Never again.” But as with those times we take a risk in answering God’s call, I looked back from the other side of it and said,”I’m glad i did it.” 🙂

  2. OK, here are some of the facts and figures I deleted. Sadly, our Christian responsibility for “Sharing the love of Jesus” continues its slide into unimportance for Christians because of a proliferating unbiblical perception of the Great Commission. Just this month Barna Research – along with Mission India – published the results of their long study into global missions and evangelism, and the news is NOT good! As hard as it is to believe – or, actually, is it? – as of 2018, only 17% of church-goers say they have heard the Great Commission and actually knew what it meant, while 25% say that although they have heard of it, they couldn’t actually tell anyone what it meant. Heartbreakingly, 51% claim they have never heard of the Great Commission! This tells me two things, neither of which bodes well for the Christian church in general, and their (the 25% and 51%) Christian walk in particular: (1) Individuals are NOT reading GOD’s Word, much less studying it, and (2) pastors are NOT teaching it from the pulpit and Sunday School teachers are NOT teaching it from the podium. It’s true, there is much fear and trembling that keeps many – perhaps most – Christians from fishing for people, and of course your right that GOD does equip us for His work . . . but if Barna is right, Christians simply have no idea what that work looks like!

    1. Thanks for sharing those stats Guy. Those numbers are astounding. 51% have never heard of the Great Commission? There’s work to be done for sure. I appreciate the value you add to my posts.

  3. I love this post. How hard it is to share the gospel, and yes, there is much fear and trembling. I have taken classes on evangelism in church and in Faith Bible Institute, and yet, still can’t come up with good ways to start a conversation. A friend told me today she was making up business cards to hand out with something like “Do you want to know more about Jesus and having a relationship with Him”? Call me at this number… I applaud her for finding a way to get started.

    1. Thank you Jane. Great example of finding ways to get the message out. I believe a lot of it is being sensitive to God’s leading and following that leading.

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