Making Right Decisions

I sat on a bench, just a few yards from the end of the bridge and watched the world go by. The occasional que of cars would slow, then stop until construction moved out of the way. I’d been on this section of the inter-coastal waterway before and thought nothing of it as the drawbridge began its slow raise.

Until I noticed the barrels.

I jumped from my bench. “Whoa! Whoa!” Was there no one close enough to hear me? They were all too far away. The sound of the bridge deck groaning upward drowned my shout. The catastrophe of sliding, tumbling barrels was going to happen and there was nothing I could do about it.

The bridge deck continued its climb. Once the bridge reached a certain angle, I realized the danger was all in my head. The construction barrels were clearly attached to the bridge and were not going to fall.

I went from shouting for someone to listen to hoping no one had heard me.

Don’t share it, but this kind of thing happens to me more than I’d like to admit. One of my shortcomings is that I often make decisions based on limited knowledge of a situation. I’ve given advice, argued, pursued corrections, all based on my limited view. Each time, after I found out more information, I wished I had just waited a little longer and learned more.

Solomon provides great wisdom for us when it comes to having all the information we need for decisions. We don’t have all the information.

“Trust in the LORD with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge Him, and He will make your paths straight.” (Proverbs 3:5-6, NASB)

I realize we must do the best we can with the information we have, but Solomon knew something we often forget. Only God is omniscient. He knows past, present, and future. He knows when a sparrow falls. He knows when we lose a single hair. He knows our hearts. He knows the same information you and I know in each situation. Plus, He knows the things we do not know, and information not known to those around us.


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So, before we make decisions, small or large, let’s acknowledge God. That means we should submit to Him. We should seek His Word to make sure our decisions align with His will. Time in prayer will allow Him to speak to us.

We can do this even when we have to make a quick decision, where there is no time to read the Bible, meditate, or have a conversation with God. How? By having prepared ahead of time.

Making right decisions will depend on it.

Today’s feature photo comes from a “photo-a-day” challenge I pursued several years ago. The photo inspires the topic. For me, the posts challenge my creativity, writing discipline, and dependence on God for His message. My prayer is that you find hope in God’s Word, and that you’ll share your hope with others.

8 thoughts on “Making Right Decisions

    1. Thank you Teresa! That would have been a great title for this post “Jumping to Conclusions.”

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