Take God’s Hand for That First Step

A father took his young son to a piece of family property that had been in the family for generations. He could hardly wait to show his first-born the land he would likely someday own. They hopped out of the truck and stood at the edge of the property.

“I don’t want to go,” the little boy said.

His dad walked a step ahead. “Why not? I’m with you.”

“I don’t know what’s out there.”

“That’s okay. I know every inch and it will be yours someday.” The dad reached back to hold the boy’s hand.

The boy stood with his finger in his mouth ignoring his dad’s outstretched hand. “But I’ve never been there.”

Maybe you’ve felt that way about your future.

There’s a task, a job, an area of service. A conversation, a relationship, a commitment. You’ve maybe even prepared for what is in front of you, but still… you don’t want to go because you’ve never been there before.

You’re not the first.

Take God’s Hand for That First Step. #hope #joy #writingcommunity Click To Tweet

Joshua stood in much the same place after Moses died. God had promised the land of Canaan to the Israelites. Moses was not allowed to lead the people into the land, so the job landed with Joshua. Joshua was then commissioned to take the land.

You may remember that Joshua was one of the spies who knew there would be much opposition in claiming God’s promised land. Ten of the twelve spies proclaimed there was no way Israel could overcome the giants across the Jordan river. Joshua, having seen the same giants, trusted God’s promise.

As spiritually strong as Joshua must have been, he stood in a place he’d never been. His tests began quickly as the first task was to cross a rain-swollen Jordan. I encourage you to read Joshua 3 to see that God’s ability to carry His people, just as He had done for Moses, was no fluke.

Joshua and the Israelites had many battles after crossing the river. The land had been promised, but it also had to be taken.

You and I can move forward into the unknown with the same assurance. If we trust God and walk with Him, taking one step at a time, He will take care of us. We may have many tests. We may have to fight gargantuan battles. But God will not leave us.

We can trust in the words God gave Joshua in Joshua 1:3 (NASB).

“Every place on which the sole of your foot steps, I have given to you just as I spoke to Moses.”

I would love to hear about one of your situations where you had to, or will have to, step out into the unknown. Did you, or can you, apply Joshua 1:3 to your situation?Today’s feature photo comes from a “photo-a-day” challenge I pursued several years ago. The photo inspires the topic. For me, the posts challenge my creativity, writing discipline, and dependence on God for His message. My prayer is that you find hope in God’s Word, and that you’ll share your hope with others.

5 thoughts on “Take God’s Hand for That First Step

  1. I have begun to think every morning you wake up now… you are stepping into the unknown.:) Love the picture!!

  2. What I needed to read! Work, writing, life…all full of unknowns and things to learn. So grateful God is holding my hand and knows the “layout of the land”…. Appreciate your thoughts.

  3. Oh I do not “like” the unknown. It is still difficult for me to step into the unknown BUT GOD. I know He will be with me as I take that first step.

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