You Can’t Do It On Your Own.

“Come on, you can do it!” I yelled at the nail. “What are you waiting for? Push. Drive. Jump up and down. Whatever you have to do, just make it happen.”

No matter what I said. No matter the encouragement, the intensity, or the compassion I heaped upon it. The nail wasn’t going to move.

On its own.

Maybe you’ve felt that way before. You believed with all your heart you were called to do a certain thing. Be a parent. Do a job. Teach a discipleship class. Learn a skill. Write a book. Be a friend. Comfort a neighbor.

The list is endless. Our spirit tells us we should do these things. We want to do them. But we just can’t make the progress we want.

Well-meaning coaches, teachers, friends, and family members tell us, “Come on, you can do it!” They may even say things like I said to the nail. “What are you waiting for? Push. Drive. Jump up and down. Whatever you have to do, just make it happen.”

Then you begin to feel like they are looking at you the way I looked at that nail. You feel like a failure. Everyone expects you to make it happen. They even expect you to excel at whatever it is you are working at.

You know deep within yourself that you don’t have what it takes.

That’s okay. You don’t. You don’t even have what it takes to manage your next breath on your own. Your ability to do any of those things I listed earlier, including taking that next breath comes from God.

You Can’t Do It On Your Own. #hope #joy #writingcommunity Click To Tweet

The sons of Korah, who wrote Psalm 46 knew people needed God. They began their psalm with a tribute to God’s awesome power in the lives of His people.

“God is our refuge and strength,

A very present help in trouble.

Therefore we will not fear, through the earth should change

And though the mountains slip into the heart of the sea;

Though its waters roar and foam,

Thought the mountains quake at its swelling pride.” (Psalm 46:1-3, NASB)

If you are staring into the face of a task you don’t feel up to, remember these words.

God is our refuge and strength.

When you want to shrink back from something you are called to do, remember these words.

God is a very ready help in trouble.

When your circumstances seem formidable or impossible, remember these words.

Therefore, we will not fear.

God doesn’t expect you to handle it on your own. Rest in His power and do what you are called to do.

Today’s feature photo comes from a “photo-a-day” challenge I pursued several years ago. The photo inspires the topic. For me, the posts challenge my creativity, writing discipline, and dependence on God for His message. My prayer is that you find hope in God’s Word, and that you’ll share your hope with others.

8 thoughts on “You Can’t Do It On Your Own.

  1. Such a beautiful and encouraging post Tim! When we learn to depend on God’s strength instead of our own, we can push through those feelings of inadequacy and press on with what He has given us to do. I think that also enables us to let go of the need to focus on the results – they may not come for a while – and focus on the process of being obedient to Him.

  2. I truly needed this reminder today! I’m looking at huge things that I can’t do, and… I’m sooo tired. But, its good to remember, I don’t have to do it alone. What a great post! Thanks, Tim.

    1. Thank you Jane. i pray if you and God decide you must do those huge things that He also provide the strength to get them done.

  3. I sat here with a huge smile on my face as I read about the nail. Oh boy have I felt like that nail! I discovered my purpose but at first just did not know how to get the job done. All the external encouragement felt good at first but in the end left me feeling like that nail that never penetrated the wood. Useless, helpless, failed. Then i realized despite all the external cheerleading is good and has a place it lacks the ability to fulfill my purpose. Only God can do that, just as the nail requires a hammer to complete its purpose of sinking into the wood, I need God as my tool to fulfill my purpose.

  4. I appreciate you sharing your experiences and advice for us Teresa. Seems like you and I have experienced many of the same type things.

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