Is Your Past Getting in the Way of Moving Forward?
“Boy I sure miss the good old days.” I’m sure you’ve either heard someone use that phrase, or maybe you’ve said it. I’ve uttered those
“Boy I sure miss the good old days.” I’m sure you’ve either heard someone use that phrase, or maybe you’ve said it. I’ve uttered those
“But I am afraid that, as the serpent deceived Eve by his trickery, your minds will be led astray from sincere and pure devotion to
“Let’s not become discouraged in doing good, for in due time we will reap, if we do not become weary.” (Galatians 6:9, NASB) “I give
In my last post, we talked about the question, Do You Know Your Purpose? You can read about it in Part One. At the end
The bumble bee buzzed from flower to flower, never staying more than a few moments at each. He1 would stop and consider one flower, either
Taking a walk is a good way to relieve stress, get exercise, and think things over. I’ve written several posts over the last couple of
Someone gave my wife this most interesting ladybug purse hanger. I had never seen one before she got this one, but I’ll tell you, it
The stargazer lilies along the edge of our back patio dared you to ignore them. The plants stood tall with dark green stalks and hot
You may be a writer, or you may not. I encourage you to read this post either way. The 2021 Blue Ridge Mountains Christian Writers
Before retiring from the City of Charlotte as an engineer, I worked on several transit projects. One of those, a streetcar system called the CityLYNX